Sunday, March 11, 2007

Michael Moore Exposed - A Documentary About Him !

Read link --> Documentary Questions Moore's Tactics

Thank god someone finally called bullshit. I should start off by saying that I like Michael Moore, and I think he's made some great films. (Roger & Me is one of my favorites) Plus Moore was the only guy on the planet saying don't go into Iraq after 9-11. Remember his brilliant 2003 Oscar quote, "we live in fictitious times, with a fictional war led by a fictional president for fictional reasons" (his microphone was basically disabled at that point). Now that was an interesting Oscar show!

All that said, I can get uncomfortable watching his movies, because some of the scenes in his movies smack of being "staged". And some of the "facts" seem just a little too perfect. Of course, I could never prove it....I'm just a cheese eating Canadian boy.

But I always got the feeling that Moore would rather go for the big impact at the expense of telling both sides. So essentially, I think of him as an entertainer, but not necessarily a reliable source. I haven't actually seen this documentary yet, but I eagerly await it's Toronto debut.


Wade Marshall said...

that's called just-in-time blogging

Zee said...

I'm gonna make a documentary about Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine in about 10 years, and then some cheese eating Canadian will put my movie on their blog, and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to retire.