Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lite Brite Cripples Boston

My cousin is the Kool-Aid jug guy who goes thru the brick wall

Quick summary....the Cartoon Network (subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting) is in hot water after their marketing campaign to promote the TV show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" backfired. They decided to promote their animated series by deploying little blinking light boards in various outdoor locations across 10 major U.S. cities, including Boston. They've been in operation for 2-3 weeks already. But I guess no one in Boston noticed them until today.....when someone mistook the LCD man giving them the finger as a bomb.

CNN - "A commuter spotted one of these blinking light boards in a Boston bus station. Soon, there were reports of other blinking light boards throughout the city, some near bridges and highways. The discovery of the light boards led state, local and federal authorities to close the Boston University and Longfellow Bridges and block boat traffic from the Charles River to Boston Harbor. In addition, the Pentagon said U.S. Northern Command was monitoring the situation from its headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but said none of its units were dispatched to assist."

So now the you've got the Boston mayor, the Boston police force, the FBI, a Mass. congressman, etc, etc all pissed off and threatening legal action because of all the resources used on this screw up. Well, they're right...someone should be in shit. But shouldn't it be the retard who ordered the calvalry without checking it out first?

You know, sometimes at night I hear noise from the alley that sounds a lot like Ayman al-Zawahiri. Should I call Mel Lastman? Noooobody gets away with terrorist activity in Toronto's back alleys. Noooooooooboooodddddddy !!

UPDATE - Feb 1st!
Looks like the situation is getting even more laughable. They're putting the two guys on trial who were paid to put up the signs. See story...

Two plead not guilty to Boston hoax charges

Check out their picture, they look perfect for the sequel of "Dude, Where's My Car?". Yeah, let's make these two potheads pay....that makes A LOT of sense. Like it was their idea. I see in the article I wasn't the only one who thought it looked like a Lite-Brite.

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