Monday, October 16, 2006

Old Expressions

For some reason, I got reminded of a dumb expression my parents used to say. They don't make much sense in 2006, but here's a few my parents used to use.
  • Grinning like a fox eating shit through tall grass.

  • They had to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her.

  • He's three sheets to the wind. (drunk) - explanation

  • If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphillis.

  • I'm off, like a Jew's foreskin. (when leaving)

1 comment:

BagelHot said...

There's a lot of old expressions that come down from the ole britich naval days.

son of a gun - a baby born on a ship. They may have not known which sailor was the father. And chances are it was born on the same deck as the cannons.

limey - british sailors were required to drink a glass of water with lime everyday to get their vitamin C.