Sunday, February 18, 2007

How To Avoid Identity Theft

In this internet age, we all need to think more about protecting our personal information. That's why I spent the entire weekend pouring over research to compile this list. Please share with your loved ones.

Ways To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
  1. Do not use your social insurance number as a password for porn sites.

  2. Shred all fully completed Sudoku's before throwing in the trash.

  3. If someone is standing closer than 5 feet behind you while using an ATM, put your shirt collar straight up to block their view.

  4. If singing the 1982 Tommy Tutone classic "Jenny,867-5309", do not substitute your home phone number. If your actual number is 867-5309, limit your rendition to shower only.

  5. Do not hand out copies of your credit card statement at the library.

  6. During sexual intercourse, refrain from screaming your mother's maiden name.


ramblings said...

Umm, I have to say, that was totally fucking enlightening.
I was just browsing, and I have to say, I like it here.

Have a nice week.

Wade Marshall said...

i know! and did the stock market crash, or is taco bell just making better food?